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Rooms are a key component in GuildMaster as they are what allows you to grow your guild, the following is a list of each room and what they do


This is one of the key rooms to progressing, as it allows you to recruit new adventurers to help take on the quest load you are given, this should definitely be built first.


Once built you will be able to click the book in the room to open its menu. In this screen, you will be able to scout for a new adventurer. This process will take 5 days in game time, and once complete will automatically open a menu allowing you to pick from potential recruits.


Admissions Center

This is a simple yet useful room, adding one will increase you amount of adventurers you can have in your guild by 4.


Paired with the Admissions Center, this is a great building for tackling large quest demands 

Living Quarters

These are rooms that after being built will begin production of a particular resource. After some time that resource will be ready collect, which can be done by clicking the icon, after this it will continue production.


The Miners Guild produces Steel, The Foresters Guild produces Lumber and The Merchants Guild produces Gold

Production Rooms

The Trading Hall allows you to trade any amount of a resource you have for another at a diminishing rate.


This room is good if have a large defecit of one particular resource and need it for something in particular.

Trading Hall

Training rooms allow the player to change their adventurers class by sending them on a training quest. This allows the player to make their units specialists, particularly good in one stat and bad in another.


Unlike other rooms, training rooms must be unlocked before they are built, and that can be done by sending adventurers on the event quest for the particular building

Training Rooms

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