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Adventurers are a core component to GuildMaster, and without them, there would be no game. Adventurers are used to complete quests for the guild, which in turn provides the guild with an income. Let's break down what is involved with adventurers (note this is a screenshot from the Adventurer Menu which can be accessed from the main screen)


From top left to bottom right, each of the elements mean the following:


  • Name: The adventurer's name can be picked when recruiting adventurers.

  • Level: The level of the adventurer, will go up as quests are embarked upon.

  • Class: The class of the adventurer, affects the stat pool of the adventurer and can be changed using Training Rooms

  • Stat Table: This shows the stats of the adventurer. This is important to know as it shows the strengths and weaknesses of the character. In the example, Bequilac has high Strength and Defense, but low Magic and Focus. When sending this character on quests, it would be smart to send him on a quest that suits his strengths, as the chances of success are increased

  • Happiness: There is currently nothing in the game that effects happiness, so don't worry about it.

  • EXP Needed: This is how much EXP that the adventurer needs to level up, once this reaches 0 they will go up.

  • Quest Status: This shows what quest the adventurer is currently on, if any at all.

Quests are another core feature to GuildMaster, as they are your primary source of income. To access the available quests, click on the quest board in the first available room, then click on any poster to access the following screen.


From top down on the poster, each of the elements mean the following


  • Name: The Quests Name.

  • Level: The level of the quest. This is a good indication of how hard the quest will be.

  • Description: A Description about the quest, this tell the player what type of quest it will be. In the future we plan to put complete story into our quests, but in the meantime its only functional stuff.

  • Rewards: The Rewards gained for winning the quest.

  • Quest Type: The type of the quest, currently has no impact on gameplay.

  • Days Needed: How long in game time the quest will take to complete (keep in mind game time is paused in menu screens)

  • Confirm Button: This button will appear red when you have assigned all needed adventurers, clicking it will confirm the selections and begin the quest.


On the right hand side, it also shows how many adventurers are needed to take part in the quest (up the top), as well as a list of all your adventurers.


Using our example above we know that our adventurer Bequilac, is a level 2 character with high Defense, so this quest is ideal for him. Knowing we want to send him on the quest, the box right of him must be clicked. What this does is selects Bequilac for the quest, since only 1 member is needed for the quest, the confirm button will glow red, clicking it will begin the quest!


Quests on the quest board will regenerate every 10 days, so try to finish as many as possible before then otherwise you will miss out.

Whew, that was a lot of information. This however is the core aspect of the game, knowing the previous two points is key to playing the game, and once you get a hang of it the game becomes much more easy!

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